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Title Document file
Notification regarding senior computer assistant of Rural Development, Government of Tripura Recruitment Rules-2023 Rural_Develop.pdf
Notification regarding Revised Recruitment Rules, 2021 for the post of Upper Division Clerk (UDC) under RD Department. UDC.pdf
Notification regarding Revised Recruitment Rules, 2021 for the post of Office Supdt. under RD Department Office_Supdt.pdf
Notification regarding Revised Recruitment Rules, 2021 for the post of Multitasking Staff, Gr-D under RD Department. Multitasking_Staff.pdf
Notification regarding Revised Recruitment Rules, 2021 for the post of LDC under RD Department. post_of_LDC.pdf
Revised RR - Head Clerk / Accountant Revised RR_Head Clerk Accountant.pdf
Revised RR UDC Revised RR UDC.pdf
Revised RR Office Supdt Revised RR Office Supdt.pdf
Revised RR LDC Revised RR LDC.pdf
Revised RR Jr. Mechanic Revised RR Jr. Mechanic.pdf
Revised RR Multitasking Staff Gr-D Revised RR Multitasking Staff Gr-D.pdf